In “het verhaal van” spreken kettlebell atleten van kettlebellsport Deventer over hun ervaringen met de sport.
Gregorio Gentili aka Italian Stallion.
Gregorio stapte voor het eerst bij mij binnen ergens eind 2021. Wat direct opviel aan hem is zijn gretigheid om de techniek onder de knie te krijgen. Greg is door zijn sport achtergrond ontzettend fit. Hij heeft een enorme controle en kan aanwijzingen snel omzetten in techniek aanpassingen.
Gregorio woont in Groningen. Dus we trainen vooral op afstand via Whatsapp.
Helaas lukt het door drukte en de afstand niet om vaak samen te trainen.
De stappen die Gregorio gemaakt heeft in het afgelopen jaar zijn enorm. Gregorio is een geweldige mensen en wij zijn heel blij dat hij zich bij ons team heeft gevoegd.
Hi Gregorio, since when are you training with kettlebells?
I started my first journey with kettlebells at the beginning of 2017 in Italy among my main sportive carrier as wrestler; at that time I used the bells mainly for conditioning, learning the roots of the movements for a safety use and to develop my conditional skills; then I moved to the United States and I lost the use of the “double bells” since 2021, when I meet my actual coach Dennis.
Why did you start training with Kettlebells?
Because I love challenges, and Kettlebells is a very challenging sport. Moreover, I think that it is a complete discipline that includes in its scheme all the component that a complete workout should have; since I started my new full-time job, kettlebells allow me to keep going training with high rhythms in a short amount of time.
Wat do you like about the sport?
I think kettlebell is a constant battle between you and “yourself of yesterday”. Every time you grab the bells you know that you want to do better then yesterday and so on. Moreover, it is a sport that does not need partners or fancy equipment, it is just you and two bells. Workouts are intense, and one hour is enough to let you without any breath
Do you compete at competitions? If it is yes then, why?
Yes I do competition. The reason is that I do love competing and challenge myself every time. When I start a discipline, that may be a game or a sport, I need to know everything about and I feel the need to prove myself against others, giving 100% in training and competitions.

What did you think about the competitions?
In terms of competitions per se, I think that compete at least once in your life would give you the opportunity to understand what are your limits and to overcome them, but if you do not feel it, it is completely fine, because everyone trains for different reasons, but at least see a competition should be mandatory to deeply understand your discipline. In terms of organization, I think that Kettlebell Sport Bond Nederland is doing an amazing job trying to involve more people as possible to make this community always bigger and inclusive.
What are your goals with kettlebell-sport?
My goal is to spread and increase the kettlebell community across the Netherlands. First of all, is to get the certificate of teacher in order to run the flag of kettlebell Deventer in the province of Groningen, which would be the first one ever! Then, I want to make sure to create a healthy and friendly environment to share this wonderful discipline.
Do you do other sports besides Kettlebellsport?
Yes, I am a freestyle wrestler, Grappler and brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Do you notice any advantages in this sports because you train with Kettlebells?
Absolutely, kettlebell is a complete sport that, in my opinion, every athletes from combat sport should learn and try. This sport gives you an enhanced stamina, explosivity and strength comparable to weightlifting and running combined together.
Is there anything you want to say?
I really want to thank my coach Dennis Eikelboom which re-introduced me to this wonderful sport, giving me the opportunity to found a new version of myself, pushing me over my limits.
It will be my pleasure to keep going this journey with him.
Heeft mijn verhaal je nieuwsgierig gemaakt? Kom dan lekker mee trainen!
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